- the athlete at work™ online is a superb opportunity to learn more about how to perform at your best more consistently, achieve more in the time available and, therefore, enjoy your work more.

- we will help you to achieve this by taking the principles that athletes use to improve their performance and help YOU to apply them in your work arena.

- you don't have to be a fitness fanatic or even a sports fan to get something from the programme.

- there are lessons we can all learn from people who do their work in the face of extremely tough competition, with small margins for error and under great pressure.

- the aim of this programme is to help you to perform at the top of your game, whatever the challenge.

Welcome to the athlete at work™ online
It’s great that you’ve chosen to join us here.
We hope this is just the first of many great performance choices you make over the coming weeks, months and years.
the athlete at work™ online is your opportunity to find out what the very best from sport and business know about making the most of their talent and then put this into action for yourself.
The aim of this programme is to help you to perform at the top of your game, whatever the challenge.
What’s it all about
the athlete at work™ online is a superb opportunity to learn more about how to perform at your best more consistently, achieve more in the time available and, therefore, enjoy your work more.
We will help you to achieve this by taking the principles that athletes use to improve their performance and help YOU to apply them in your work arena.
You don’t have to be a fitness fanatic or even a sports fan to get something from the programme.
There are lessons we can all learn from people who do their work in the face of extremely tough competition, with small margins for error and under great pressure.
What to expect?
There are 14 modules of content split into 4 main areas...
- Core principles – understanding what makes the elite different and the structure of performance.
- Motivation – increasing your control, your confidence and your connectedness.
- Mental fitness – managing your self-talk and mentally preparing to perform
- Physical energy – being physically active and fit to perform; fuel from food and fluids; and rest and recovery.
Within each of these modules there’s some stuff to read, interactive things to do, coaching tips and an opportunity for you to reflect on your own performance challenge.
As you work through you’ll be asked quite a few questions and asked to record your answers. It’s not a test, there are no right and wrong answers, and no-one else will read them. The questions are designed to help you to help yourself. We believe you know most of the best answers for you already!
Then once you’ve completed all the modules there are a whole bunch of tools to help you bring all your learning together, make your own plan, bring this to life for yourself, stick to your plan and keep learning.
How to get the most from this programme?
Three tips...
- Don’t waste your time! The easy option is to drift through this programme mindlessly. If you do you’ll gain nothing. The benefits you derive from this programme will only reflect the quality of thought, energy and attention you put in. Be selfish. Make the most of it!
- Be curious about how good you could be. Curiosity is important. It may have killed a few cats, but we think it’s done more than pretty much anything else to advance humanity. We encourage you to enter into this journey not judging yourself by what you’ve achieved so far, but being curious about what you could achieve if you make the most of your talent.
- Be patient. We’d encourage you to work through this at your own pace – but no more than one module per week is our suggestion. Pause, think, reflect, practise some new things, be willing to challenge yourself, and repeat or revisit the modules as often as you like. Be patient and give the ideas and principles time to come to life for you.
Who’s behind this?
The programme has been developed by K2 Performance Systems. Take a look at www.planetK2,com for more information.
The K2 team consists of:
- sport psychologists who know how the mind works at its best,
- health and fitness experts who know how the body works at its best, and
- successful business people who know how to apply this knowledge in the face of the extraordinary performance demands of the corporate arena.
This combination of expertise has enabled K2 to develop a number of programmes to help individuals, teams and organisations in business to make the most of their talent. the athlete at work™ online is based on K2’s original signature programme, the athlete at work. Business people have been participating in the athlete at work™ programme since 2003 and there are a long list of people who tell us that it’s one of the best investments they’ve ever made.
We hope you agree!